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Privacy Policy

1. Collection of Personal Information

The personal information that Careermon StudyWork collects from users at the time of membership registration is as follows.

① When signing up for membership, ‘profile image, name, email account, job, region, and self-introduction’ are collected as essential items.

② When signing up as a member using an external service, ‘account-related information and information that the member agrees to provide’ and ‘external service e-mail account and mobile phone number’ provided by the external service are collected as essential items.

③ When signing up for membership, the e-mail account used as a storage space, cultural background, education, career, industry, and interests are collected as optional items.

④ When registering and editing business cards, information registered by members (business card image, job, name, phone number, fax number, external service account, homepage, email address, company information (company name, title, company address, company phone number), academic background, career, project, industry, technology, spoken language, portfolio link, etc.) and information on relationships between members and networks (business cards and address books of networks registered by members, etc.) are collected as essential items.

⑤ For the short-distance business card sharing function, member's location information is collected as an optional item.

⑥ When consulting and making inquiries through the customer center, information such as name, e-mail, and phone number is collected as essential items.

⑦ When using the service, environmental information such as OS version and device information, and information generated during the use process, such as service use records such as IP address, cookie, date and time of visit, and bad use record are collected. 

⑧ When using paid services, account information (bank name, account holder name, account number) and mobile phone number are collected according to the selected payment method.

⑨ When additional personal information is collected, consent is obtained after separately informing the member about the 'personal information we collect, purpose of collection and use, period of retention and use, right to refuse consent and disadvantages due to consent refusal’ to members.

⑩ We may receive personal information from external companies or organizations affiliated with the us, and in this case, the affiliated external companies or organizations provide it to us after obtaining the member's consent to provide personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act.

2. Use of Personal Information

We use personal information only for the following purposes, such as member management of the CareerMon Studywork service, service development, provision and improvement, and establishment of a safe Internet environment.

① For confirmation of intention to sign up for membership, identification of users, confirmation of intention to withdraw from membership, securing efficient communication channels, introduction of new information and delivery of notices, analysis of service visits and usage records, etc.

② For providing services that allow members to register, manage, and share business cards and personal network information

③ For the personal network management service and customized information service based on the profile, business card and personal network information or member information registered by the member

④ For providing CareerMon Studywork service, discovering new services, and improving existing services

⑤ For purchase and payment of paid services, delivery of products and services, etc. 

⑥ For analysis of service use and access frequency, statistics on service use, provision of customized services according to service analysis and statistics, and posting of advertisements, etc. 

⑦ For discovering new service elements such as demographic analysis and providing customized services and improving existing services

⑧ For protecting members and operating services, such as restrictions on use of members who violate laws and CareerMon StudyWork Terms of Service, prevention and sanctions against acts that interfere with the normal operation of the service, including fraudulent use, prevention of account theft, delivery of notices, dispute mediation, record retention for dispute resolution, and handling customer inquiries. 

⑨ For establishing a service environment that can protect members in terms of security, privacy, and safety

⑩ Personal information may be used or provided to a third party without the user's consent in accordance with the law to the extent reasonably related to the purpose of collection. At this time, comprehensive consideration is given to 'whether it is related to the original purpose of collection, whether there is predictability of additional use or provision of personal information given the circumstances of collection or processing practices, whether the interests of users are not unfairly infringed, and whether measures necessary to secure safety such as pseudonymization or encryption have been taken’.

3. Destruction of Personal Information

In principle, we destroy the member's personal information immediately at the moment when the members delete their accounts, but records of illegal use may be permanently stored to prevent illegal use.

In addition, when separate consent is obtained from the member for the retention period of personal information, or when the law imposes an obligation to retain information for a certain period, personal information is safely stored for that period.

When personal information is destroyed, it is destroyed in a way that cannot be reproduced. Information for which preservation obligations have been imposed by law will be destroyed in a way that cannot be reproduced after the expiration of the applicable period.

Files such as images, videos, and documents registered and saved by members are stored in the storage (Google Drive, etc.) of the external account linked by the member, so we do not have the right to destroy them even if the member withdraws.

4. Members’ rights and obligations

Members have the right to have their personal information protected, as well as the obligation to protect themselves and not infringe on the information of others. Members must be careful not to leak their personal information, including passwords, and be careful not to damage other's personal information, including postings.

Members are responsible for accidents caused by incorrect information entered by themselves. Members have an obligation to prevent unexpected accidents by entering personal information accurately and up to date.

If a member fails to fulfill the above responsibilities and damages the information and dignity of others, he or she may be punished under relevant laws.

5. Data Protection Officer

If any member believes that information we hold about him/her is incorrect or out of date, or if he/she has concerns or further queries about how we are handling his/her personal information, or any problem or complaint about such matters, please contact our data protection officer, Eddy Jang, at []. 

6. Modifications

We reserve the right to modify or amend this policy at any time. To keep members informed, we will notify changes to this policy by prominently identifying the alteration for a period of not less than seven (7) days prior to the application on our website( or the front page of our service. However, if the amendment is unfavorable to members, we shall post at least thirty (30) days prior to the application.

7. Miscellaneous

In the event of any discrepancy between these Terms of Use, and Privacy Policies, these Term of Use shall prevail. 

This privacy policy does not apply to the collection of personal information by other services, including services affiliated with CareerMon StudyWork.

Announcement date: January 5, 2023

Effective date: January 5, 2023

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